Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Perhentian group of islands is located 20 kilometres off the coast of Terengganu, a state on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The Perhentian Islands, are one of the designated Marine Parks of Malaysia. This group of Islands comprise Pulau Perhentian Besar, Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Pulau Rawa, Pulau Serenggeh, Pulau Susu Dara Besar and Pulau Susu Dara Kecil. The islands are mostly still covered by virgin jungle. Their powdery white beaches meet sapphire blue crystalline waters.
The word “ Perhentian” in Malay means stopover and according to local oral history, the islands were a stopover for the treasure ships plying the east-west shipping lanes. Today, the Perhentian Islands are an idyllic “stopover” for those in need of rejuvenation. Of the two major islands Pulau Perhentian Besar and Pulau Perhentian Kecil, the bigger island is more developed whilst the smaller is still quite isolated and remain pristine.
The waters off Pulau Perhentian are perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving. Coral reefs teem with colourful underwater life. The crystal clear waters offer amazing underwater scenes and excellent visibility. Perhentian Island is renowned for its excellent snorkeling and world class dive sites. Fringing coral reefs are a blend of hard coral species with patches of soft corals, whip corals and sponges growing on boulders, with most dive sites easily accessible. Boats can be chartered to take one on snorkeling or deep sea fishing trips. For the avian enthusiast, the Perhentian Islands are a haven for migratory birds. More adventurous tourist can also make “special requests” where one can be taken to discover secluded beaches and isolated coves untouched by the hand of man. These white sandy beaches offer the visitors complete sense of escape and total relaxation.
Turtle Beach is where hawksbill turtles come up to nest. The conservatory located there then hatched the eggs and releases the hatchlings after a few days in the hopes that some will survive to replenish the dwindling turtle population.
On the main island, Pulau Perhentian Besar and Long Beach on Pulau Perhentian Kecil are located most of the tourist accommodation comprising chalets, resort, hotels, dormitories and campsites. There are all the basic amenities available and some resorts even offer massages, pedicures and a host of sea sports. These include scuba diving, snorkeling, deep-sea fishing, windsurfing, kayaking and boat trips. Adventure trails through pristine tropical jungle and spectacular coastal cliffs will be delightful to the most discerning adventure seeker. Indeed the annual PERHENTIAN ISLAND CHALLENGE attracts many local and foreign adventure sports enthusiasts to this tropical island appropriately organized with the intention to highlight the delicate fragile ecosystem of this tropical paradise.
As the sun sinks into the sea with a molten glow with colours unimaginable, one can almost believe that is paradise found. Dinner is a casual affair along the fairly lit wide sandy beach, consisting nearly always the ‘catch of the day’ and conversations that wind long into the starlit night. Beach parties are abound, but a quiet night can be equally delightful in moonshine clear skies, crashing waves and the strains of a backpacker’s guitar.The slow unhurried pace of life, the salty tang in the air, warm welcoming islanders soothe frazzled nerves and rejuvenate the spirit.Whatever your simplistic fancies of a well earned island holiday in Malaysia, Perhentian Island caters to all with its unique brand of tranquility, charm and hospitality. This truly is a magical tropical island and dive paradise, arguably the most beautiful islands in Malaysia where you can escape tbe hardness of the city and regain the innocence of nature and the blissful ignorance of the simple life, entrapped … in Paradise.